Sentinels of Data: Securing Your AWS EC2 for PostgreSQL with Password Authentication and Key Removal


When deploying EC2 instances on AWS, password authentication isn't the default. Typically, connecting to your EC2 instance requires the use of a private key. However, in scenarios where frequent testing in short-lived environments is necessary, password authentication might be more practical, although it's not always recommended for security reasons. This blog will guide you through the step-by-step process of launching an EC2 instance and enabling password authentication


Ensure you have already launched an EC2 instance using the AWS console GUI mode.

Getting Started:

Step 1. Login to AWS EC2 instance using putty using a private key

For Linux Users:

Use the following command to connect to your EC2 instance:

ssh -i /path/to/private-key-file.pem ec2-username@public-endpoint

Replace /path/to/private-key-file.pem with the path to your private key file.

Step 2: Set Up Password

Next, set up a password for the admin user using the passwd command.

ec2-username@public-endpoint $ sudo passwd ec2-user

Follow the prompts to enter and confirm your password

Step 3: Modify sshd_config

Edit the sshd_config file to enable password authentication.

sudo vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Locate the 'PasswordAuthentication' parameter and change its value from 'no' to 'yes'

PasswordAuthentication yes

Step 4: Restart SSH Service

Restart the SSH service for the changes to take effect.

sudo systemctl restart sshd

Note: For 'root' login, find the 'PermitRootLogin' parameter and set its value to 'yes'.

PermitRootLogin yes

Save the file and exit.

Step 5: Disable SELinux

To rule out any SELinux-related issues, disable SELinux.

sudo vi /etc/selinux/config

Step 6: Validate Login

Ensure successful login to your EC2 instance with the username and newly set password.

ssh ec2-user@IP

Step 7: Change System Hostname

Modify the system hostname as needed.

sudo vi /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg

Add the following line if it doesn't exist.

preserve_hostname: true

To change the system hostname without a public DNS name, use the appropriate commands based on your OS.

For Amazon Linux 2:

sudo hostnamectl set-hostname your-desired-hostname

For Amazon Linux AMI:

Open the /etc/sysconfig/network file and change the HOSTNAME entry

sudo vi /etc/sysconfig/network

Finally, open the /etc/hosts file and make any necessary adjustments.

Reboot the instance:

sudo reboot

Additional PostgreSQL Installation (Version 13):

sudo dnf install -y
sudo dnf -qy module disable postgresql
sudo dnf install -y postgresql16-server
sudo /usr/pgsql-16/bin/postgresql-16-setup initdb
sudo systemctl enable postgresql-16
sudo systemctl start postgresql-16

This comprehensive guide ensures your EC2 instance is not only fortified for PostgreSQL use but also provides the flexibility of password authentication, meeting diverse security requirements.